



Forårsbryg er en lys Dortmunder type. Det er en hilsen til solens første stråler og det spirende forår. Nyd den til fed fisk, æg og rejer eller til lyse oste. Eller nyd den svøbt i et tæppe til solens første stråler.
7% alk. Fås få flaske og på fad.



Spring Brew 7% alc. is a tribute to the sun and the emerging spring. The bright floral and fruity beer is bursting with glorious German aroma hops. The Hops named Perle are used both as the base hops and “late kettle hops”. The beer is fermented warm to further cultivate the fruity notes.

Serve it at 6 to 8 degrees in large goblets. Enjoy it as it is in a sunny corner with spring’s first sun. Spring Brew is excellent accompanying the Easter table, with fish and light meat dishes.