

Aarhus Bryghus is a local, independent family-run micro-brewery, established 2005 in an industrial estate South of Aarhus C. Ther brewery produces beer in large bottles and kegs for the off- and on-trade. The brewery has a small shop and a tap room. The shop is open daily 8AM to 4 PM, the tap room is open Fridays 3PM to 7 PM.

The main bulk of the beer produced is sold locally. We do sell our beers nationally and also export to several countries inside and outside EU.Aarhus Bryghus - English

Tours are only given for groups of minimum 15 during day-time and for minimum 20 in the evenings.

The beer is brewed, based on tradition and innovation. The 7 full-time employees have more than 100 years experience with brewing. Our motto is “Beer for pleasure – beer for sharing”. Our beers are bottled in large 60 cl bottles. Most of the beers are designed for pairing with food. Traditional Danish cooking has always been meant to be enjoyed with beer, as only royalty and the Church had access to wine.

The beers range in alcohol from 5 to 9%, ranging from an International Pilsner to India Pale Ales and oak-aged Imperial Stouts. Shelf life is 9 months for weaker beers and 3 years for the darker beers with more than 7% alcohol. They will mature like good wine.

The brewery also is involved in destilling, as we brew beer for a local neighboring destillery. We sell the spirit under the brand “Spirit of Aarhus” and “Liquor of Aarhus” direct from the brewery.